JR TAIL LOCK G5000T Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

Step 3: On the amplifier, locate the SV (Servo) receptacle. Plug the rudder servo into
this receptacle, noting the correct polarity as indicated by the shape of the plug, as
well as the wire color.

Tail Lock™ Selection/Connection

The G5000T offers several methods to access and use the tail lock function. 
N o t e : If you’re using a 6- or 7-channel system, you must install the G5000T as

detailed in Option 1. 

Option 1: Tail Lock Mode or Rate Mode Always On

If you choose to have the G5000T function in either tail lock or late mode only,

simply move the tail lock switch located on the amplifier to the desired position(On
for tail lock, OFF for rate mode). With this option, it is not necessary to connect the
black SEL Aux 2 connector.  Please note that with this method, it is not possible to
access both the tail lock and rate modes as only one Aux channel is being used.

Quick Star t

Option 1 is a quick way to get up and flying with your G5000T, as it’s the easiest

to set up. If you select the option to have the tail lock mode on, it will not be neces-
s a ry to use any form of tail rotor compensation, further simplifying the initial setup.

Option 2: Remote Rate and Tail Lock Mode Access

Connect the black SEL Aux 2 connector from the amplifier to the following chan-

nel on your receiver: 

JR PCM 10 series (9- and 10-channel systems): Gear (Channel 5)
JR XP8103 series (8-channel systems): Gear (Channel 5)
This option will allow both the standard rate and tail lock modes of the G5000T to

be remotely selected during flight via the gear switch.

This method will also allow for the use of an optional program mix that will allow

the G5000T’s modes to be selected via the Aux 3 gyro gain function. This method
will also enable the G5000T’s modes to be linked to the flight mode switch.


The G5000T Gyro is much more responsive than a standard piezo gyro, and it

can sense and correct for rotation rates at over 720˚ per second (standard gyros are
limited to approximately 250˚ per second). Because of this, the travel adjust and
exponential values can be much diff e rent than they are with other gyros to obtain the
optimum feel and rotation rates.

Travel Adjust

Set the ru d d e r’s travel adjustment to maximum right and left. If you’re using a JR

PCM-10/10S/10SX, set the travel adjustment to 150% left and 150% right.

Dual Rates

The recommended starting points for dual rates are :

Flight Mode

M a n e u v e r

Dual Rate V a l u e

N o rm a l

H o v e r i n g

6 0 %

Flight Mode 1

540 stall turn s

1 0 0 %

Flight Mode 2

S t a n d a rd aero b a t i c s

6 0 %


Because a very large stroke is used (150%), the control sensitivity around neutral

is high. Exponential is necessary to reduce the sensitivity around neutral. The re c-
ommended starting points of exponential are :

Flight Mode

M a n e u v e r

Exponential V a l u e

N o rm a l

H o v e r i n g

6 0 %

N o rm a l

H o v e r i n g

4 0 %

Flight Mode 1

540 stall turn s

6 0 %

Flight Mode 2

S t a n d a rd aero b a t i c s

6 0 %

N o t e : After you have gained some experience and flight time, you can alter travel
adjust, dual rate, and exponential values to suit your flying style. 


The G5000T Piezo gyro gives true linear feedback response of rotation rates fro m

as little as 1˚ per minute up to over 720˚ per second. Because of its high re s p o n s e
rate and authority, the adjustment values (e.g., travel adjust, exponential, tail ro t o r
compensation, etc.) will be very diff e rent from what you’re used to.

Following is the step-by-step pro c e d u re that must be followed to achieve the

highest level of perf o rmance from your gyro system.

Step 1: Unhook the tail rotor linkage at the rudder servo and swing the servo arm
out of the way. Lightly grasp the tail rotor pushrod at the servo end and move the
tail rotor throughout its entire stroke. The tail rotor linkage should move through
its full range smoothly with very little friction and no rough spots. Work on the
linkage system until this is achieved.

Step 2: On your transmitter, reset all the rudder trimmers (sub-trim, trim offset,
stunt trim, mechanical trim lever, etc.) to zero or center. Set the throttle/pitch stick
at exactly the hover position (normally 50%). Turn off or zero out both the revolu-
tion mixing (up and down) and the acceleration mixing.

Step 3: Turn on your receiver and allow the helicopter to remain totally motionless
for three seconds. A bright LED light on the amplifier will come on after three sec-
onds, indicating the gyro has digitally stored the zero rotation value.

Step 4: Install the servo arm
90˚ to the tail rotor pushrod
(see diagram). You may find
that the splines are slightly
offset on your servo, not
allowing an exact 90˚ position -
ing. If so, rotate the servo arm
to another arm position and
try again. Secure the arm in
place with the screw provided.
Attach the pushrod to the arm
at approximately 16 mm out
from the center. Later, we will
optimize this distance through flight testing.

Step 5: Be sure the rudder servo is moving in the correct direction. A right servo
command should move the nose of the helicopter to the right. (If you’re unsure,
seek help from someone with more experience.) Reverse the servo direction in the
transmitter’s programming if necessary.

Step 6: Give a right rudder command and note the direction the rudder servo
moves (clockwise or counterclockwise). Then pick up the helicopter and quickly
rotate the nose to the left. The servo should move in the same direction as it did
when you applied right rudder (clockwise or counterclockwise). If the rudder servo
rotates in the opposite direction, move the reverse switch located on the amplifier
in the opposite direction.

Step 7: With the G5000T in tail lock mode (green LED),  check to insure that the
servo will remain in the neutral (centered) position.  If the servo “Drifts” or slowly
moves in either direction, enter the sub trim function of your radio system and add
a sub trim value as needed until the servo will remain in the neutral position, with
no tendency to drift in either direction.


With the servo arm positioned at 90° degrees to the control rod, adjust the over-

all length of the tail control rod so that the tail pitch mechanism is at the center of its
travel limits. It’s also necessary to insure that the tail rotor blades have the pro p e r
d e g ree of pitch in the neutral position to maintain a stationary hover. A p p ro x i m a t e l y
5° is a good starting point. The final pitch of the tail blades will need to be fine tuned
during test flights by adjusting the tail linkage mechanically.

Adjusting the Endpoint Limiters

With the travel adjust set to 150%, you will notice that moving the rudder stick to

its extremes may bind (over- s t roke) the tail rotor linkage. JR’s G5000T has a unique
f e a t u re that electronically limits the maximum servo travel, preventing binding/over-
s t roking of the rudder linkage — but it has no effect on the maximum contro l
authority during high speed piro u e t t e s .

Note: Locate the tail lock switch on the G5000T amplifier, and move the switch to

the OFF position. This will allow for proper servo end point travel adjustment. Reset
the switch to the desired position once the endpoint limiter has been adjusted. 

With your radio system on, give a full right rudder command. Using a small

straight scre w d r i v e r, adjust the servo travel limiter while noticing the rudder serv o .
Adjust the pot until the servo has maximum available travel but no binding occurs. 

Give a full left rudder command and adjust the limiter as needed to the point just

b e f o re the servo binds. This sets the maximum available travel and eliminates link-
age binding/over- s t roking while the helicopter is on the gro u n d .

Note: You will notice that with the travel limiters adjusted, it appears that the ru d-

der stick only works the servo throughout half its stroke. This is normal! During
flight, the gyro provides feedback to the servo that combines information about its
rotation rate and the gain setting that gives pro p o rtional rotation rates thro u g h o u t
the ru d d e r’s stick travel.

Gyro Amp

Travel Limiter

LED Red/Green
Tail Lock On/Off

to Gyro Sensor

Rev. Switch

Connect to

Gyro Sensor

JR 8700G Super Servo
or 8417 Digital Servo

Rudder Connector
Connect to RUDD

SELRate/Tail Lock
Remote Select

Aux 3 Connector



Rudder Servo


16 mm

Control Ball

Attach Contro
Ball to Arm
16 mm from

Tail Lock Sensitivity Adj.
