Focus position
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Grasp the bottom
side of the outer strap
and fold it over onto
your shoulder. This will
help baby to keep his
Use your other hand to
hold baby. Pull down inner
strap away from you on
your arm, until your arm is
fully extended.
Grasp the 3rd layer,
like a rope. Pull towards
the floor, away from you
to create some slack.
Go over your baby’s feet.
Grasp the bottom
side of the outer strap
and fold it over onto
your shoulder. This will
help baby to keep his
Spread the 3rd layer over
your baby’s back, all the way
from your baby’s bottom to
your baby’s neck. Pull away
from you to avoid creating
extra pressure onto your
baby’s back.
Use your other hand to
hold baby. Grasp the outer
strap, like a rope, and pull
it away from you.
The baby is poorly positioned.
The baby is suspended by the crotch
which puts his/her back into an
inappropriate position.
What to avoid
Maintain baby’s head with the strap
on your shoulder.
Your baby’s head needs to be
turned regularly.
You can make yourself more
comfortable by spreading the
extra wrap onto your abdomen.
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