CODE 80183 REV E
12/2021 Page: 11
.P. SELECTA s.a.u.
Autovía A-2 Km 585.1 Abrera 08630 (Barcelona) España
Tel 34 937 700 877 Fax 34 937 702 362
e-mail: [email protected] - website: http://www.grupo-selecta.com
3. Description
Fume suction and neutralize system specially generated in the Kjeldahl digestion
The system uses a scrubber unit than retains the acid condensations under a Na
solution, and a water circulation pump that provides a big flow rate of vacuum to
fume suction.
The vacuum pump 4001612 uses water circulation to provide high level of suction on
the front two taps. This scrubbing application only uses one tap.
The 4001612 pump could be used in other laboratory aplication to liquid handling,
cooling... as it could be configurated for water circulation.
Tubo de vaciado
Emptying tube
Conmutador de
circulación de agua
Circulating water
Salida de circulación de agua
Circulating water OUT port
Entrada de circulación de agua
Circulating water IN port
Conector del cable de red
Mains connector
Vacuometro 1 y 2
Vacuometer 1 and 2
Toma de vacio 1 y 2
Vacuum port 1 and 2
Interruptor principal
Main switch