Dial the MODE button to 1, you can see the camera's hotspot (HDQ21) again after waiting about
40 seconds.
Video / Pause:
Insert micro SD card, and then turn on the camera, the video will be automatically
stored in the memory card, the indicator light will flash 1 second, press the video / pause key,
pause the video, indicating that the light will not flash. Click again to start recording. The lights
are flashing.
Description of indicator light:
Blue light:
Short-range point-to-point live mode. The camera is not connected with remote network at the
moment and gives out the camera’s hotspot “ HDQ21”.
Red light:
Remote connection mode. The camera is connected with wireless router and will not give
out the camera’s hotspot “ HDQ21”.
Yellow light:
Indicates charging status.
Red and Blue light:
Tip insufficient power.
Note 1:
The memory card can’t be inserted or removed while the camera is turned on or
charged. Please turn off the camera and disconnect the charging before inserting or removing
the memory card.
Mobile phone APP download
For Android Phone:
Search the APP named “TT Cam” (figure 1) from Google Play.
For iPhone/iPad:
Search the APP named “TT Cam” (figure 2) from Apple AppStore.