Pascalstr. 8 47506 Neukirchen
When you start the measuring device for the first time, you should first
perform a self
test of the device. For this purpose, you must short
the slots 1, 2 and 3. You do this as follows:
Now press
to perform the self
test. You will be asked by the device
at approx. 22% to remove the component to close the course so that the
test can be completed successfully. Now you can start measuring
your components. You start the measuring process with the Start button.
A 3.7 V battery with 350 mAh is built into the multifunction tester. You can
charge it with microUSB and a 5 V power supply. The LED shows the
status of the battery. That means it shines red when the battery is
charging and green when the battery is fully charged.
The battery of this measuring device is also measured during each
component measurement. Therefore, the residual voltage of the battery
is also displayed during each measurement. This residual voltage is
displayed with
Vbat =
The device will also tell you when the battery needs to be charged again.
This device switches off automatically after 20 seconds of inactivity. You
can also turn it off manually by pressing and holding the Start button.