2004 JoTiKa Ltd.
The Tiller Housing
Identify and remove the tiller housing components (185-187 & 134) from the 1.5mm and 2mm walnut sheets.
Before the side panels (185) are glued to the underside of the canopy (134), slightly bevel their inner leading edges so as to
create a mitre with the remaining panels. Glue the side panels into position so that their rear edges are flush with the back of
the canopy. When the tiller housing is completed, the back edge of the canopy will be tapered to the same angle as the sides so
that it fits flush to the inner face of the stern fascia, while the assembly remains flush to the deck. Gently sand and mitre the
front panel (187) and glue it into position centrally across the front underside of the canopy. The housing quarter panels (186)
should also be mitred and glued into position. The completed housing should be painted red ochre and glued into position
centrally over the tiller and rudder head (
Photo 042
The Tabernacle
Identify the shoe (140), stiffener (94) and staff cap (141) from the 2mm and 3mm walnut sheets. The after edges of the shoe
and cap and their slots will need to be bevelled to run flush with the stiffener and inner face of the stern fascia. The stiffener
should be glued between the shoe and cap so that the top and bottom edges are flush and the whole assembly painted red ochre
and glued centrally to the tiller housing and inner stern fascia face. The ensign staff can now be made up as shown on
Sheet 4
but, will not be fitted until the driver boom is in place at a later stage.
The Hull Decoration
The Figurehead:
Identify the cast metal figurehead (267), of the Greek god Hermes, and sceptre (268). Using (
Photo 043
Photo 044
) for
reference paint the figurehead and sceptre as shown or, if desired, wood (walnut) brown. Into the left clenched fist of Hermes,
drill a 0.75mm hole just deep enough to accept the sceptre and glue into position. The figurehead can now be glued into
position on the stem.
The Quarter Badge:
Identify the cast metal quarter badge (272). Using (
Photo 045
) for reference paint the quarter badge as shown or, if desired,
wood (walnut) brown. Using
Plan Sheet 1, ‘Hull detail’
for reference, offer the quarter badge into position on the hull and
mark the position of the windows. This area of the hull (the position of the windows) should now be painted dull black. The
quarter badge can now be glued into position on the hull, you should note that a small section of the lower inboard face of the
quarter badge will need to be filed away to allow for the wale, also the window can be glazed, on the inboard face of the
quarter badge, to add depth (
Photo 045
The Cabin Light Lids
Identify the four cabin light lids (171) and remove them from the 1.5mm walnut sheet. The inboard faces and the edges should
be painted red ochre.
Identify, paint matt (metal) black and remove the cabin light hinges (240) from the brass etched sheet. These should be fitted in
a similar manner to the chase port hinges, set 1mm back from the top edge of the lid, noting that there is one left and one right
handed hinge per lid as shown (
Fig 004
). With the hinges in position, locate, paint matt (metal) black and remove two brass
etched eyelets (210) per lid. Drill a 0.5mm hole into each lid, through the hole in the end of the hinge to accept the eyelets and
glue into place.
The lids can now be glued into position on the model. When the assembly is thoroughly dry, drill a 0.5mm hole just above
each hinge, to accommodate the lid tackle of 0.1mm natural thread. The tackle runs from the brass eyelet and is secured into
these holes.
The Quarter and Lower Finishing Figures:
Identify the cast metal quarter finishing figure (270), of a Roman Legionnaire, and the lower finishing figure (271), of a marine
reptile and paint as shown (
Photo 045
Photo 046
), or wood (walnut) brown if desired.
The Roman Legionnaires can now be fitted. Using (
Photo 045
Photo 046
) for reference, the base of the figure is positioned
against the hull side and the underside of the stern fascia extension, with the head resting against the taffrail.
The lower finishing figure can now be fitted, it is glued against the after end of the wale and the ‘tail’ butts against the base of
the Roman Legionnaire.