2003 JoTiKa Ltd.
The Stern Fascia
Paint the edges of the windows of the inner stern fascia yellow. Identify the outer stern fascia, and clean out the corners of each
window frame with a needle file. Paint the outer stern fascia black, and the window surrounds yellow as shown (
Photo 035
including the inner sills. Glue three broad strips of glazing across the window frames on the inner stern fascia, with PVA wood
glue. Glue the outer stern fascia onto the inner stern fascia, ensuring the outer edges and the window frames all line up. It is
important to ensure a good fit, as the brass etched window frames will fit into the window frame recess created between the
two fascia patterns. Sand the outer facing edges of the inner and outer stern fascia patterns flush with each other and line them
with 1x3mm walnut, sanded flush inside and out. The walnut ‘capping’ will need to be soaked in water to follow the curve of
the fascia, it should also be applied in several pieces, one for each curve, one for the top and one for each side.
Identify the stern fascia window frames (513) and paint them yellow. It is a good idea to paint the frames while they are still on
the brass etched sheet and only remove each individual frame as it is used, the frames are all similar in size but each has been
designed to fit into one specific window. After painting, remove and fit each frame individually, the yellow paint can be re-
touched upon completion.
Identify the two stern fascia false baluster patterns (631 & 632), they are painted as shown (
Photo 035
) with a black line
running through the relief top and bottom. Glue the patterns to the outer stern fascia as shown, ensuring they are central and
run true.
Identify and paint yellow the stern fascia edge moulding (608), It should be glued onto the stern fascia approximately 1mm in
from the edge (the depth of the capping) all the way round.
Now, identify and paint as shown, the stern figures (665 & 666), the flowers (667 & 668) and the scrolls (669 & 670) and
secure to the fascia as shown.
Locate and paint as shown (
Photo 036
) the stern trophy of arms (671) and the stern fascia top moulding (633).
as you can tell from the picture, the trophy of arms sits over the top moulding, in order to achieve this a small section
will need to be filed from the back of the trophy of arms. When completed, glue into position.
Identify the Victory name plate (621), paint the relief black and the raised text and surround yellow, glue into position,
centrally, as shown (
Photo 035
Identify, paint and assemble the large and medium lantern components (538, 654, 655, 539, 656 & 657), these can be attached
now or at a later stage of your choosing, using lengths of 0.7mm brass wire. We would suggest, to bend the brass etched
lantern parts as follows:
Saw a 0.5mm groove into a piece of scrap soft wood, to a depth of no more than 0.75mm.
Lie the half etched bend line of the brass etched component across this groove.
With a heavy duty craft knife blade, gently apply pressure to the bend line, pressing the material into the groove, until
the desired angle is achieved.
Repeat for each bend line.
With the transom now completed and using (
Fig 023
) for reference, attach 9 small cleats (662) and 4 copper eyelets (690) to
the taffrail and inboard face of the inner stern fascia as shown.
Fig 023
Photo 035
Photo 036