3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 USA
Phone 513-533-5600 • Fax 513-871-0105
[email protected] • www.steriflowvalve.com
I & M Mark 95LL Series
1-1/2” to 3” Valves
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for
MK95LL Sanitary Back Pressure Regulators
Steriflow Sanitary Pressure Regulators must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these
Installation & Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the
event of leakage or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure
or a general hazard. Before servicing any valve, disconnect, shut off, or bypass all pressurized fluid. Before disassem-
bling a valve, be sure to release all spring tension.
**VIP** - If you purchased your MK95A Valve, or any stem repair component for this valve after 9/17/2018 -
please see assembly instruction change on page 2, top-right, section 3.
Please read these instructions carefully!
Your Steriflow product will provide you with long, trouble
free service if it is correctly installed and maintained.
Spending a few minutes now reading these instructions
can save hours of trouble and downtime later. When
making repairs, use only genuine Jordan Valve parts,
available for immediate shipment from the factory.
Ideal Installation
1. The valve is designed for sanitary service and it is
assumed that it will be installed into a clean system.
Under these conditions, special considerations to
protect the valve such as providing line strainers at
the valve inlet are not necessary.
2. The regulator is to be installed with the inlet
horizontal and the outlet pointed down. This will
provide the best drainage inside the valve. These
restrictions apply only for drainage considerations;
the valve will function in any position. Contact factory
for other possible orientations.
3. Steam regulators are best located at the highest
point in the piping with the take-off out of the top of
the steam header. This will minimize the possibility of
water in the regulator.
4. For best control, 3’ 0” straight sections of pipe
should be installed on either side of the regulator.
5. Use caution in tightening commercial sanitary
fittings. Over-tightening can cause the gasket to
extrude into the flow passage.
6. If possible, install a relief valve downstream from the
regulator. Set at about 30% above the control point
of the regulator.
7. Operate the regulator within its pressure and tem-
perature rating as stamped on the valve nameplate.
Start Up
1. Slowly open the inlet shutoff valve and slowly turn
the adjusting screw until the desired inlet pressure
is shown on the inlet pressure gauge, without dis-
charging fluid.
2. To change the controlled pressure, turn the adjusting
block (28) with handles (43) clockwise to increase
the pressure, or counterclockwise to decrease the
3. See section on cleaning cycle for lift cam instructions
and usage. (see section on Clean-In-Place/ Steam-In-
Caution: Make certain that there is no pressure in the
valve before loosening any fittings or joints. The following
steps are recommended:
1. Close the inlet shutoff valve.
2. Turn the adjusting block (28) counterclockwise until
there is no pressure on the spring, allowing any
trapped pressure to release downstream.
3. Allow pressure to bleed off through the down-
stream piping. Do not attempt to reverse the flow
through the valve by bleeding pressure from the
upstream side of the valve.
4. When the pressure gauges indicate that all pressure
has been removed from the system, close the outlet
shutoff valve. The valve may be removed from the
line and serviced.
Note: refer to the drawing at the end of this document
for description and proper orientation of parts.