Loosen the four screws of the infinity stops and slide them a few inches forwards.
Move the track all the way back into the camera body by turning the focusing knobs on front
of the bed. The distance scale should be positioned on infinity. Lock this position by turning
the track lock on the right side of the bed near the focusing knob.
Set the Focal Plane shutter on position “
”. You will be able to see an image on the ground
Swing the front standard lock out strait ( fig.3) then pull out the standard with lens while
sighting the ground glass. Now try to find the best possible crisp image on the ground glass
from a far away subject, such as a church tower. Use a magnifier. Having found the best
possible image, turn the standard lock to the left or to the right to hold the standard locked
on this position.
Fig 3 fig 4
Reset the infinity stops at this position. Hinged stops raised against the front standard. Fasten
the front screws of the infinity stops. Swing standard lock straight and slide the standard
back. Fasten the rear screws of the infinity stops. Slide the standard back to the infinity
stops. This location of the infinity stops has become the new reference point for the Aero
Check again if the image on the ground glass on a far away object is crispy sharp.
Start the Kalart Rangefinder calibration procedure.
Please be aware that the Rangefinder adjustment is limited. This limitation is about as
close as 6 to 10 feet depending on your lens
The calibration instructions can be found on my web site
The camera cannot be closed with the Aero lens mounted. Therefore,
you will have to remove it.
For those who do not want to adjust the Kalart rangefinder and want to use
exclusively the ground glass to focus, it would be a great advantage to replace the
infinity stops on the right place for use with the 7 inch Aero. To do so move the
track all the way back into the camera body using the focusing knobs. Now
loosen the screws of the infinity stops and find the new infinity location for the