©2011 Johnson Level & Tool
Power on the instrument, press the FUNC key once, then press the
power key once. The instrument will enter the initial setting mode
and will display as follows:
Move to the digit required by using the Left or Right keys.
Change the digit value using the up key. After changing the
various settings, press the FUNC key once, and then press Power
key once to exit the setting status and return back to the angle-
measuring function. The new settings will be saved.
Factory Settings
• Minimal Resolution Reading: 2” (40-6932), 5” (40-6935)
• Sound Function: OFF
• Angle Display Unit: 360º
• Automatic Shut Off: OFF
• Measuring-Mode for Vertical Angle: Vertical Angle
• Tilt Sensor: OFF
• Data Transmission Function: OFF
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