©2012 Johnson Level & Tool
(1) Charge the rechargeable battery when the battery power is
low (battery symbol on the LCD is flashing). This will extend
the battery life.
(2) If the laser is not going to be used for a long period of time,
charge the rechargeable battery every 2-3 months.
Use of the Vertical Bracket and Fine Adjusting Plate:
Screw the vertical bracket onto the side of
the laser with the vertical bracket leveling
knobs at the bottom of the laser and the
circular vial at the top of the laser.
For exact positioning of the X or
Y-axis, screw the Fine Adjusting
Plate on the tripod and then screw
the laser to the Fine Adjusting Plate.
Using the Sighting Scope, rotate
the laser to the exact position required. Use the Fine Adjusting
Knobs for fine movement. Use the Lock Knob when positioned in
the correct position.
Vertical Bracket
Fine Adjusting Plate
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