Patch the 6 dimmer (PWM) outputs to any DMX input channel.
Full flexibility is provided to manually patch any dimmer to any DMX channel. First,
the dimmer (D#) output is selected, and then any DMX input channel from 001 to 512
is selected and patched to the selected dimmer.
Press EXECUTE to enter the menu and configure the DMX patch.
The top line shows the dimmer (D#) and DMX (DMX) address headings.
01<999 ?
The second line shows the dimmer (D#) and DMX (DMX) address values.
06<999 ?
Press MENU ( ) to select the dimmer output (D#) from 01 to 06 to patch.
999 ?
Press EXECUTE to advance and select the DMX address for the dimmer.
999 ?
DMX is initialized at 999 to indicate the dimmer is not patched.
999 ?
? indicates the DMX address (513 to 999) is invalid and is not patched.
999 ?
The cursor (_) position indicates the DMX digit to be edited.
06 999 ?
Press EXECUTE to move the cursor to the right, under the digit to be edited.
999 ?
Press ESCAPE to move the cursor to the left or to exit the menu.
06 512
Press MENU ( ) to select the DMX address from 001 to 512.
Repeat until all required dimmers are manually patched.
Press ESCAPE to exit the menu and save the selected patch.
Press RESET to exit the menu without saving.
The menu will automatically timeout after 2 minutes of inactivity and save.
NOTE: For this menu to function, the DMX O/P menu must be set to PATCH mode.
Any configuration within the ADDRESS and DC PATCH menus is ignored,
and the DMX patch configured within this menu takes precedence.
Set the DMX status hold time from 0 to 99 minutes or infinite.
When DMX is disconnected the system will hold the status of the last received DMX
levels for the selected amount of time. When activated, the LCD display shows a
countdown of the status hold time or infinite hold.
Press EXECUTE to enter the menu.
Displays the current DMX status hold time (HTIME) setting.
Press MENU ( ) to set the desired hold time from 00 to 99 minutes.
Press MENU ( ) to set the desired hold time to infinite (XX).
Press both MENU ( ) switches to toggle back to status hold time of 00.
Press ESCAPE to exit the menu and save the desired DMX status hold time.
Press RESET to exit the menu without saving.
The menu will automatically timeout after 2 minutes of inactivity and save.
Configure the dimmer to channel patch for the dimmer pack.
Each of the 6 dimmer (PWM) outputs can be assigned and patched to any of the 6
control channels. Multiple dimmer outputs may be patched to a single control channel.
The dimmer to channel patch is used by other menu features to provide transparent
control of the dimmer output circuits. J-PACK Series dimmer packs are typically
patched for 1 to 1 operation but may be altered for custom applications.
Press EXECUTE to enter the menu.
Displays the dimmer (D) output (01) and its current control channel (C) patch (01).
Press MENU ( ) to select the desired dimmer output from 01 to 06.
D06 C06<
Press EXECUTE to toggle the pointer (<) to select the control channel to patch.
D06 C01<
Press MENU ( ) to select the desired control channel from 01 to 06.
Press EXECUTE to toggle the pointer (<) to select another dimmer output.
Press ESCAPE to exit the menu and save the desired dimmer channel patch.
Press RESET to exit the menu without saving.
The menu will automatically timeout after 2 minutes of inactivity and save.