On the 9.4, 10.2 and 10.6 models, the drain plug is
on the bow, just above the bow eye. (It is installed
at the factory) To drain the water between the deck
and hull, remove the drain plug; lift the rear of the
boat so the water will drain towards the front drain
hole. Once the water is drained, insert the drain plug
into the hole.
On the 11.3 model this drain plug is located in
the bilge, just forward of the aerator pump.
the drain plug to allow the water from the
deck and hull to drain into the bilge pump area.
Turn on the bilge pump to remove the water and
install drain plug once the water is drained from
between the deck and hull.
Electrical Power
Use a 12V Deep Cycle Marine battery (not
included), available from marine dealers, outdoor
retailers and mass merchandisers. To install, place
the battery in the battery case or tray, tie it down
using the holding strap, and connect the wires.
RED to POSITIVE (+) terminal
BLACK to NEGATIVE (-) terminal
Installing Oar Locks (if desired)
Note that not all models include an Oar Locking
Horn Kit. If you would like an Oar Lock Kit, it is
available for purchase from JOW-Sport & Leisure
Customer Service.
To install follow the instructions included with the
Oar Locking Horn Kit. Note that if the installation
the boat so that it will sit reasonably level in
the water. Remember this is a small boat
and extra caution should be taken to prevent
overloading the craft as this could result in
unsafe operating characteristics.
Weather Conditions
Check weather conditions for high winds,
waves or impending storms. Take this into
consideration when loading the boat and
planning how far from shore you intend to
Personal Flotation Gear
Always make sure that everyone in the boat
is wearing the proper Personal Flotation
Device (life jacket). ExtraSport®, a JOW
brand, offers a full line of high quality
PFD’s that are widely available. Contact
JOW-Sport & Leisure for more information.