Johnson Controls Ducted Systems
Pin Refrigerant circuit safety switch and indoor blower overload connections at center on lower edge of UCB
(right pin)
24 VAC hot out for refrigerant circuit 1 High
Pressure Switch
Connects through circuit trace to the R terminal
(left pin)
24 VAC hot return from refrigerant circuit 1 High
Pressure Switch
Input is only considered if C1 output is needed; input must be
present to allow C1 output. Three HPS1 trips in a two hour
period cause a “High Pressure Switch 1 Lockout” and C1 output
is then prevented until alarm reset. Connects through circuit
trace to the right LPS1 pin.
(right pin)
24 VAC hot out for refrigerant circuit 1 Low
Pressure Switch
Connects through circuit trace to the left HSP1 pin
(left pin)
24 VAC hot return from refrigerant circuit 1 Low
Pressure Switch
Input is only considered after 30 seconds of C1 output;
afterwards, input must be present to allow C1 output. Three
LPS1 trips in a one hour period cause a “Low Pressure Switch 1
Lockout” and C1 output is then prevented until alarm reset.
(right pin)
24 VAC hot out for refrigerant circuit 2 High
Pressure Switch
Not effective for one stage compressor UCBs. Connects
through circuit trace to the R terminal
(left pin)
24 VAC hot return from refrigerant circuit 2 High
Pressure Switch
Not effective for one stage compressor UCBs. Input is only
considered if C2 output is needed; input must be present to
allow C1 output. Three HPS2 trips in a two hour period cause a
“High Pressure Switch 1 Lockout” and C2 output is then
prevented until alarm reset. Connects through circuit trace to
the right LPS2 pin.
(right pin)
24 VAC hot out for refrigerant circuit 2 Low
Pressure Switch
Not effective for one stage compressor UCBs. Connects
through circuit trace to the left HSP2 pin
(left pin)
24 VAC hot return from refrigerant circuit 2 Low
Pressure Switch
Not effective for one stage compressor UCBs. Input is only
considered after 30 seconds of C2 output; afterwards, input
must be present to allow C2 output. Three LPS2 trips in a one
hour period cause a “Low Pressure Switch 2 Lockout” and C2
output is then prevented until alarm reset.
(right pin)
24 VAC hot out for indoor blower FAN Overload
relay contact/motor protector switch
Connects through circuit trace to the R terminal
(left pin)
24 VAC hot return from indoor blower FAN
Overload relay contact/motor protector switch
Input is only considered if FAN output is needed; input must be
present to allow FAN output and unit operation. One FAN OVR
trip lasting longer than 5 minutes or three FAN OVR trips in a
two hour period cause a “Fan Overload Lockout” and unit
operation is then prevented until alarm reset.
Terminal SA BUS
connections on at left on lower edge and center of UCB
Power for SA (“Sensor-Actuator”) BUS devices
Also incorporated in the J8 6-pin phone jack connector at the
left-center of the board. Positive of the 15 VDC (reading to C)
circuit for powering an optional netstat and/or Multi Touch
Common for SA BUS power and communication
Also incorporated in the J8 6-pin phone jack connector at the
left-center of the board. Negative of the SA BUS circuits
Communication for SA BUS devices
Also incorporated in the J8 6-pin phone jack connector at the
left-center of the board. Positive of the VDC (typically, a
fluctuating 1.5 to 3.5 volts reading to C; at least 0.25 volts lower
than +) SA BUS communication circuit to optional economizer
board, 4-stage board, fault detection & diagnostics board,
netstat and/or Multi Touch gateway
Table 29: Smart Equipment™ UCB Details (Continued)
Function & Comments