Section 6: Programming
The Diagnostics feature provides a live measurement of voltage, current, and battery condition for the alarm panel and devices
through the system keypad. This information can be used in place of a multimeter to troubleshoot panel and module troubles. To view
specific measurements, scroll to the corresponding section:
[000] Panel
[001] DC input voltage/current
[002] Battery voltage, battery charge voltage/current, battery discharge voltage
[003] Aux supply voltage/current
[004] Bus supply voltage/current
[005] Main bell voltage/current
[006] Zone resistance-Zone 1-8
[001]-[132] Keypad 1-32
[001] Bus supply voltage
[002] I/O 1-Zone XXX resistance, where XXX is the zone number
[101]-[115] HSM2108 Zone expander
[001] Bus supply voltage
[002] Aux supply voltage/current
[003] I/O 1-8 resistance - Zones 1-8
[301]-[330] 8 I/O Expander
[001] Zone resistance - Zones 1-8
[501]-[504] 1 A Power supply
[001] Battery voltage/current
[521]-[524] 4 Output 1A Power supply
[001] Battery voltage/current
[551]-[554] 3A Power supply
[001] DC input
[002] Battery voltage, battery charge voltage/current, battery discharge current
[003] Battery voltage, battery charge voltage/current, battery discharge current
[004] Bus supply voltage
[005] Aux1 supply voltage/current
[006] Aux2 supply voltage/current
[601]-[616] Corbus repeater
[001] DC input
[002] Battery voltage, battery charge voltage/current, battery discharge current
[003] Bus supply voltage
[004] Bus out voltage/current
[005] Aux supply voltage/current
[912] Soak Test
This feature is used to diagnose false alarms. After a false alarm has occurred on a zone, Soak Test mode impedes any audible
alarm conditions or additional false alarm reporting. A record of the false alarm is stored in the event buffer for diagnostic purposes.
[000] – Soak Test Duration
This option is used to program the length of time the system remains in soak test. The default is 14 days.
[001]-[248] Zone Soak Test
Soak test can be performed on individual zones. The zone remains in soak test, regardless of the status of the system, until the soak
test timer has expired. If the system is armed when the timer expires, the zones are removed from soak test when the system is
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