far from sources of interference, including: electrical noise (computers, televisions, electric
motors, appliances, heating and air conditioning units), large metal objects like heating ducts and
plumbing which may shield the electro-magnetic waves,
smooth and free of obstructions that block access to the rear of the unit.
Connect the BW-PGH
Remove all power (AC, DC, telephone lines) from the system while connecting modules to
the Tranceiver Bus.
To connect the BW-PGH:
With the alarm panel powered down, connect the BW-PGH to the four-wire Tranceiver
Bus of the alarm panel according to Figure 1.
Once the wiring is complete, power up the security system.
Figure: 1
Wiring Diagram: 1) Control Panel; 2) Tranceiver Bus to BW-PGH
Enroll The BW-PGH
The BW-PGH must be enrolled onto the alarm panel before any wireless devices can be enrolled.
Refer to the control panel's instructions for the procedure.
Permanently Mount
Once a suitable location is found, mount the BW-PGH as follows:
Pull the Tranceiver Bus wires through the holes at the back of the cabinet.
Mount the cabinet securely to the wall using the three screws supplied.
To enable the wall tamper, fasten the breakaway wall tamper bracket securely to the wall
using the supplied screw.
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