TEC Series BACnet® MS/TP Network Temperature and Humidity Controllers Technical Bulletin
Assisted Definition using Auto Discovery is the easiest way to add a new
controller online; however, this method requires that the controller to be added is
connected and ready to communicate.
Device object names used with BACnet Communication must be unique to fully
satisfy the requirements of BACnet. The controller automatically selects a device
object name for itself using the format
, where
designates the
address selected (from 004 to 127) on the MS/TP network. If this name needs to be
changed by writing a new one into the controller device object, that name change
should be done before any point objects are mapped. Be sure that the name of the
new controller being added to the NAE matches that of the controller itself. This
name goes into the Name field of the Object section on the Configuration tab of the
Configure step in the Insert Field Device Wizard.
Device object IDs used with BACnet communications must be unique to fully
satisfy the requirements of BACnet MS/TP network guidelines. The controller
automatically selects a device object ID for itself using the format
, where
is 72 for TEC26x7 models, 73 for TEC26x6 and TEC2645 models, and 76 for
TEC260x and TEC2613 models; and,
designates the address selected (from
004 to 127) on the MS/TP network (for example,
). If this ID needs
to be changed by writing a new one into the controller device object, that ID
change should be done before any point objects are mapped. Be sure that the ID of
the new controller being added to the NAE matches that of the controller itself.
This number goes into the Instance Number field of the Network section on the
Hardware tab of the Configure step in the Insert Field Device Wizard.
Adding Point Objects
The required point objects must be mapped under the controller device. To
accomplish this, select the controller device under the BACnet Integration (refresh
the tree view if required to see a newly added controller device) and choose Field
Point from the Insert menu.
For Metasys system Release 4.0 or later software, select a Field Bus or a
folder under it.
Assisted Definition using Auto Discovery is the easiest way to add new point
objects online; however, this function requires that the controller that is to be
mapped is connected and ready to communicate. When mapping point objects, the
point type must match the BACnet object type (for example, AV, MV, BI), and the
point instance number must match the point BACnet instance number.
Because some of the objects may not directly correlate to a
previous version (TEC26xx-2), you must rediscover all point objects for the
TEC26xx-4 version. For detailed information on this mapping, see the