Whenever an NIE is disconnected from 24 VAC power for over 30 days, ensure that the real-time clock is set properly
and that the NIE is powered long enough to recharge the data protection battery.
Powering On the NCE
After applying 24 VAC power, the NIE requires approximately 5 minutes to start up and become operational. See
Startup is complete and the NIE is operational when the green RUN LED is On steady and the red FAULT LED is
Off (
Wait for the NIE to complete the start-up sequence and the RUN LED to go On steady before initiating
any other action on the NIE.
Disconnecting Power from the NCE
When 24 VAC supply power to an NIE is disconnected or lost, the NIE is nonoperational, but the POWER LED
) remains On and the data protection battery continues to power the NIE for several (approximately 1 to
8) minutes while volatile data is backed up in nonvolatile memory. The RUN LED goes Off when data backup and
shutdown is complete.
The data protection battery must be installed and charged before disconnecting the 24 VAC supply
Setting the End-of-Line Switch
RS485 serial protocol bus segments require proper EOL termination to reduce interference from signal bounce back
on the bus segment.
FC Bus MS/TP and Mobus RTU applications require a terminated device at each end of each FC Bus segment. See
section for more information on EOL requirements on an FC Bus.
N2 Bus applications are self terminating and have no EOL setting. See the
section for more information
on EOL requirements on an N2 Bus.
The NIE29 models that support MS/TP FC Bus applications or N2 Bus applications have an EOL switch, which must
be set according to the position of the NIE on the FC Bus or N2 Bus segment. The NIE29 is shipped with the EOL
switch in the factory default, ON (up) position (
Figure 16: FC Bus EOL Switch in the Factory Default ON (Up) Position
See to determine the appropriate EOL switch setting for the NIE in your field bus application.
NIE29 Installation Instructions