Table 12: CVM03050 Controller accessories (order separately)
Product code number
Flexible Tubing Extension with Barbed Fitting for CVM03050-0x, VMA1630,
VMA1615, and VMA1832, 35.56 cm (14 in.) Length. Bulk Pack of 20.
Use to extend tubing that connects between the DPT connectors and the
DPT sensors, including when replacing a VMA1400 series controller with a
CVM03050-0x, VMA16xx or VMA18xx controller.
The Field Inspection Tool (FIT) is a portable handheld device with a user interface
that is used to test and troubleshoot the BACnet protocol MS/TP RS-485
communications bus that connects supervisory controllers and equipment
controllers to field point interfaces.
The FIT can be used to check out the wiring of the MS/TP RS-485 bus as well
as verify proper communications of supervisory controllers and equipment
controllers connected to the bus. The FIT can be used on both the FC Bus and SA
Portable BACnet/IP to MS/TP Router
M4-CVM03050 VAV Controllers Installation Guide