Trouble [13] AUX Trouble
Press [13] to toggle through troubles
[05] HSM2300
[06] HSM2204
[07] System area
[10] HSM3408
[11] HSM3204CX
[12] HSM3350 AUX 1 trouble
[13] HSM3350 AUX 2 trouble
An auxiliary power supply trouble is
Check for a short between Aux+ and Aux- or other system ground.
Ensure the aux current draw has not exceeded the documented limits.
Ensure voltage between AUX+ and AUx - is between 9VDC to 14VDC.
Trouble [14] Module Tamper
Press [14] to determine specific trouble
[01] Interactive Zone
[02] Interactive Partition
Check the Alarm.com communicator firmware is compatible with PSP firmware
to support extended number of Zones and Partitions.
Interactive Zone trouble is generated when the Alarm.com firmware does not
support the configured number of zones in panel (>220 Zones) and Interactive
Partition Trouble is generated when the Alarm.com firmware does not support
configured number of Partitions.
Ensure to configure compatible number of zones and partitions while using with
Ensure you have the alarm controller type and version (for example, HSM3032 V1.1)
and the list of modules connected to control panel, (for example, HSM2108, HSM2HOSTx and
so on) available before contacting Customer Support. Version number can be accessed by
entering [*][Installer Code][900] on any LCD keypad. This information is also located on a
sticker on the printed circuit board.
Reporting Codes
The following tables contain Contact ID and Automatic SIA format reporting codes.
for event reporting codes.
Contact ID
Each of the digits indicate specific information about the signal. For example, if zone 1 is an entry/
exit point, the event code contains [34]. The central station would receive the following:
*BURG - ENTRY/EXIT - 1 where the “1” indicates which zone went into alarm.
Contact ID and SIA Zone Alarm/Restore Event Codes
SIA Format - Level 2 (Hard Coded)
The SIA communication format used in this product follows the level 2 specifications of the SIA
Digital Communication Standard - October 1997. This format sends the account code along with its
data transmission. The transmission appears similar to the following at the receiver:
N ri1 BA 01
N = New Event
ri1 = Partition /Area Identifier
BA = Burglary Alarm
01 = Zone 1
A system event uses the Area Identifier ri00.
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference