J200-08-00 3 I56-1931-01R
2. The LEDs should latch on within 10 seconds, indicating alarm and annunciating the panel.
3. Reset the detector at the system control panel.
B. Direct Heat Method (Hair dryer of 1000 – 1500 watts)
1. From the side of the detector, direct the heat toward the sensor. Hold the heat source about 6 inches (15 cm) away
to prevent damage to the cover during testing.
2. The LEDs on the detector should light when the temperature at the detector reaches the alarm setpoint. If the
LEDs fail to light, check the power to the detector and the wiring in the detector base.
3. Reset the detector at the system control panel.
Detectors that fail these tests should be cleaned as described under MAINTENANCE and retested. If the detectors still
fail these tests, they should be returned for repair.
Figure 3. Views showing position of test magnet.
NOTE: Before cleaning notify the proper authorities that the system is undergoing maintenance, and therefore the
system will temporarily be out of service. Disable the SLC or system undergoing maintenance to prevent
unwanted alarms.
It is recommended that the sensor be removed from its mounting base for easier cleaning and that sensors be cleaned
at least once a year. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the sensing chamber.
Figure 4