Section 3 - Programming the J-12
All programming and setup for the J-12 is performed from the front panel of the Johnson Amplification JM 150,
JM 250, Digitech 2112 SGS, GSP-2101, Valve FX or Legend II. Most of the setup menus that deal with the J-12
can be found in the Foot Controller section of the Utility setup menu.
For complete infomation of how the J-12 interacts with the 2112 SGS, GSP-2101, Valve FX or Legend II it will be
necessary to refer to the original Owner's Manual shipped with each product. Although the features and functions
are common in these three products, their procedures for setup vary slightly from product to product.
The first time the Contol One is connected to the GSP-2101, Valve FX or Legend II it will be necessary to cali-
brate the CC pedal to function correctly. This function can be found by pressing the <UTILITY> button once on
the GSP-2101, Valve FX or Legend II. Please refer to the GSP-2101, Valve FX or Legend II's Owner's manual for
further instructions.
The Johnson Amplification JM 150 JM 250 and the Digitech 2112 SGS will automatically calibrate the J-12 when
connection is made.
Section 3 - Programming the J-12
J-12 Owner’s Manual