Step Seven
Please insert 1 x sham key handle (E) into the front of the door lock and secure screw from inside the
door. Attach the back panel to the wardrobe, use 32 x screws (G) to tighten the panel to the wardrobe.
After this is done, insert hanging rail (05) into a fitting (D), as shown on the picture. Hanging rail (05)
must be placed to pre screwed (Step one) 2 x fittings (B) on side panels. Fitting (D) that is on the
hanging rail must be fully closed while you place hanging rail (05). After you placed hanging rail (05),
please spin the fitting (D) so that it starts to touch shelf (04). Please tighten fitting (D) using 2 x screws
(C) to the holes prepared.
Please adjust the magnets by hand to get doors in right position.
Magnet Adjustment