JOA Telecom Co., Ltd Proprietary and Confidential
3. Normal Care and Maintenance
Do not drop the unit
If violently impacted or shocked, serious damage may be caused.
Not water-resistant
This device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.
Keep away from strong magnetic fields
When using or storing, please keep away from strong electromagnetic/
radioactive or magnetic field equipment.
Operating temperature
The products operating temperature is between -20°C ~ +60°C; please do not
operate under extreme temperatures.
Avoid exposure to sunlight
Please avoid long periods of sunlight or high temperature exposure.
Do not disassemble
Please do not disassemble the product, this may void the warranty and
damage the unit.
When the product is not being used for a long period, store the device in a
cool and dry place. For long-term storage, keeping the unit in a dry box is
Please do not keep the product in the following environments:
1. Unventilated and humid locations.
2. In a car window that is exposed to excessive amounts of sunlight.
3. In an environment where humidity is over 90%.