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Before a new machine is put into
operation it must be carefully inspected
for any evidence of damage resulting
from shipment.
Regular periodic inspections are
a required aspect of the ongoing
maintenance of the machine.
Preparation for use of the machine
requires good common sense
principles ensuring that a complete
function check together with visual
inspections show that everything is
working correctly.
Function checks are to include the
following items.
1. Outriggers slide in and out freely.
2. Outrigger Jacks operate freely.
3. Operation of the 3 mast hydraulic
levers in both directions to ensure
free correct movement of the mast.
Prior to use, all fluid levels should be
checked including
Radiator coolant
Engine oil level
Fuel level.
Ensure that all warning decals have
been read and understood prior to
perating machine.
Ensure that machine set up location is
clear of any dangers such as roadways
with moving traffic, moving machinery
Some locations may require that
checks are made with the regulatory
authority such as councils prior to the
et up and use of this lighting tower.
Ensure that machine is securely
parked prior to use. Barriers, fences
and warning signs may need to be
erected to ensure awareness of the
unit in operation.
This machine requires periodic safety
and maintenance inspections by a
qualified person.
Particular attention is required during
checks to ensure that the machine
functions as it was designed to. There
should be no abnormal noises or
vibrations evident during the machine’s
operation. In the event that an operator
becomes aware of any abnormal
operation while using the machine,
then it should be shutdown
immediately, stowed safely and the
problem reported to a responsible
supervisor or service technician.
Reference should be made to Section
2 (Service and Maintenance) for
procedures in regular and periodic
inspections of this machine. All
machines require both preventive and
corrective maintenance throughout
their useful service life to maintain the
machine in a safe and reliable