Assigning the Keys and V-Stick
Select a key by pressing the key. Or, click the picture of the key.
The V-Stick is really four separate keys. Select by moving it left,
or right, or "up" (away from you) or "down" (toward you).
Look at the Control Info box.
The permanent name of the MCS
key is displayed first.
Under this, the Name field is highlighted.
You may give the key a name which is more descriptive of the
key's actual function.
Then Tab or click to select the "Key Press" field.
The Key Press field sets the character to be sent.
(The Mouse Emulation pop up menu sets mouse clicks.)
Decide if you want the key to send a character, or a mouse
click, or both.
To Make a Key Send a Character
Simply type the character on the keyboard, with or without
modifier keys. Notice that the character and modifiers appear
in the MCS
application's Key Press field.
If you do not want the key to send any character, press the
keyboard's delete key.
If you want the key to send only a character, and not emulate a
mouse click, make sure that None is selected in the Mouse
Emulation pop up menu.
Understand that this process allows a
key on the MCS
send a character with a "cluster" of modifiers.
For example, pressing Play only on the MCS
can send the
equivalent of “Control-Alt-P".