| JL Audio - 300/4
Owner’s Manual
sub-oPtimum ConFigurations
1st Pair of Channels
2nd Pair of Channels
Stereo 8Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 17.3V / ch.)
Bridged 16Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Stereo 8Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 17.3V / ch.)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Stereo 8Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 17.3V / ch.)
Bridged 8Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 34.6V)
Stereo 8Ω: 25W x 2 (set to 15.0V / ch.)
Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0V)
Stereo 8Ω: 19W x 2 (set to 12.3V / ch.)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6V)
Stereo 8Ω: 14W x 2 (set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 4Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 17.3V / ch.)
Bridged 16Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Stereo 4Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 17.3V / ch.)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Stereo 4Ω: 50W x 2 (set to 15.0V / ch.)
Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0V)
Stereo 4Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 12.3V / ch.)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6V)
Stereo 4Ω: 28W x 2 (set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0V / ch.)
Bridged 16Ω: 50W x 1 (set to 30.0V)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0V / ch.)
Bridged 12Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 30.0V)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0V / ch.)
Bridged 8Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 30.0V)
Stereo 3Ω: 50W x 2 (set to 12.3V / ch.)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6V)
Stereo 3Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3V / ch.)
Bridged 16Ω: 38W x 1 (set to 24.6V)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3V / ch.)
Bridged 12Ω: 50W x 1 (set to 24.6V)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3V / ch.)
Bridged 8Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 24.6V)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3V / ch.)
Bridged 6Ω: 100W x 1(set to 24.6V)
Stereo 2Ω: 56W x 2 (set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 3Ω: 100W x 1(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 16Ω: 28W x 1(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 12Ω: 38W x 1(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 8Ω: 56W x 1(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 6Ω: 75W x 1(set to 21.2V)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6V / ch.)
Bridged 4Ω: 112W x 1(set to 21.2V)
sub-oPtimum ConFigurations (bridged/bridged):
1st Pair of Channels
2nd Pair of Channels
Bridged 16Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 16Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 16Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 16Ω: 75W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 8Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 34.6V)
Bridged 16Ω: 50W x 1 (set to 30.0V)
Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0V)
Bridged 16Ω: 38W x 1 (set to 24.6V)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6V)
Bridged 16Ω: 38W x 1 (set to 21.2V)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2V)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 34.6V)
Bridged 8Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 34.6V)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 30.0V) Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0V)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 24.6V)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6V)
Bridged 12Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 21.2V)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2V)
Bridged 8Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 30.0V)
Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0V)
Bridged 8Ω: 50W x 1 (set to 24.6V)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6V)
Bridged 8Ω: 50W x 1 (set to 21.2V)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2V)
Bridged 6Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 24.6V)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6V)
Bridged 6Ω: 100W x 1 (set to 21.2V)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2V)
aPPendix C:
input sensitivity level setting reference listings
1) Define your front/rear channel configuration (Stereo/Stereo, Stereo/Bridged or Bridged/Bridged
2) Look in the “Optimum Configurations” listing for your channel configuration. If it does not appear
here, look for it in the “Sub-Optimum Configurations” listing for your channel configuration.
3) Once you have found your specific combination of impedances, use the target voltage listed in
parentheses for each set of channels to set the “Input Sens.” controls of the 300/4v3.
For easy reference, channels achieving optimum power have their power output listed in
oPtimum ConFigurations
1st Pair of Channels
2nd Pair of Channels
Stereo 4Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 4Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)
oPtimum ConFigurations
1st Pair of Channels
2nd Pair of Channels
Stereo 4Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Bridged 8Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 34.6 V)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0 V)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6 V)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2 V)
oPtimum ConFigurations
1st Pair of Channels
2nd Pair of Channels
Bridged 8Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 34.6 V)
Bridged 8Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 34.6 V)
Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0 V)
Bridged 6Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 30.0 V)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6 V)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 24.6 V)
Bridged 3Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2 V)
Bridged 4Ω:
150w x 1
(set to 21.2 V)
sub-oPtimum ConFigurations
1st Pair of Channels
2nd Pair of Channels
Stereo 8Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 8Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 8Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 6Ω: 50W x 2 (set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 8Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 4Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 8Ω: 28W x 2 (set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 8Ω: 19W x 2 (set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 8Ω: 14W x 2 (set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 6Ω: 50W x 2 (set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 4Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 17.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 6Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 6Ω: 25W x 2 (set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 6Ω: 19W x 2 (set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 4Ω: 50W x 2 (set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 3Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 15.0 V / ch.)
Stereo 4Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 4Ω: 28W x 2 (set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 3Ω: 50W x 2 (set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 2Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 12.3 V / ch.)
Stereo 3Ω: 38W x 2 (set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 2Ω: 56W x 2 (set to 10.6 V / ch.)
Stereo 1.5Ω:
75w x 2
(set to 10.6 V / ch.)