Children can be harmed by small parts. sharp edges and sharp povntB tn the vehicles
unassembled state, or by electru items Care should
taken jn unpackiro and
the vehicle. Children should not handle parts, including the battery. oc help in
of the vehicle.
O Assemble an the part5 in sequence as
ptcture shown. Insert a pm to the hote of
the front arie and make it to
shape by
a pher.
a hubcap jnto the center.
Repearthe process tor the other side
O Assembleall the parts in sequence as
a hubcap into the center.
picture shown. Insert a pin to the hole of
Repeat the process for other three
the rear axle and make it to
M' shape by
a plier.
a hubcap into the center.
Repeat the process for the other side.