4-5 PC-HEALTH Intel 845 PC-Health Monitor
The path of the file is X:\INTEL845\HW30\SETUP.EXE (Only support WINDOWS 98SE/ME)
In Windows 98 Winbond Hardware Doctor Monitoring Software needs some system files to copy in
Utility that’s why it needs install PC-HEALTH twice to complete setup.
Click PC-Health when Magic Install Menu
Click Next when Winbond Hardware Doctor
Setup Window appears
Click Next to continue installation
Select Program Group name or enter a new
group name, click Next, and click Finish after
setup complete
4-5-1 How To Utilize PC-HEALTH
Click Program
Winbond Hardware Doctor
Hardware Doctor the Winbond Hardware
Doctor will appears
You can remove the Utility in Control Panel
Add/Remove Program icon
2. After executing Winbond Hardware Doctor it
supports system voltage, Fan speed and
CPU/SYSTEM Temperature. Because this is
a On-time Monitoring program therefore the
value will change after it detected, if the value
is over default setting the system will have
warning picture and beeps. This is a System
Voltage status