General instructions and tips
The shrinker/stretcher is used extensively in
automotive body industry for window channels,
wheel wells, dog legs and many other forms.
Compound curves are easily accomplished on this
machine by working alternate sides of the
Use a roller stand or other device to support very
long pieces.
Some users make a cardboard template of desired
shape, and frequently compare it to the workpiece
as it progresses.
Figure 6-1
Do not apply force to foot pedal
without a piece of sheet metal between jaws.
This will hasten jaw wear and may result in jaw
General procedure for flange
1. Form a 90-degree bend in workpiece using
sheet metal brake (not included) or similar
device. Depth of flange should be 1-1/8 in. or
2. Position workpiece between jaws. Press foot
pedal and release, moving workpiece through
jaws a little at a time. Work the leading edge
first, then move deeper into the workpiece.
3. The grooved jaw surfaces may leave markings
on workpiece; these can be ground or polished
out using fine abrasives.
Lubrication of the shrinker/stretcher will depend
upon frequency of use. However, here are general
guidelines to follow.
1. Insert a multi-purpose machine oil into the fitting
atop the die frame, once a month, to lubricate
the linkages.
2. Keep jaws clean. Periodically clean the grooved
gripping surfaces with a bristle brush (not a wire
Additional servicing
Any additional servicing should be performed by an
authorized service technician.
Replacement Parts
Replacement parts are listed on the following pages. To order parts or reach our service department, call 1-800-
274-6848 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. Having the Model Number and Serial Number of
your machine available when you call will allow us to serve you quickly and accurately.
Non-proprietary parts, such as fasteners, can be found at local hardware stores, or may be ordered from JET.
Some parts are shown for reference only, and may not be available individually.