Spindles, Speed and Height
Shaper comes with ½”
and ¾” diameter spindles.
Both spindle assemblies
are equipped with a full
set of spacers to
accommodate virtually
any cutter size. We also
have ½” and ¼” router bit
collets plus 1” and 30mm
spindles available for the
JET JWS-25X Shaper as
We supply a ½” and ¾”-diameter spindle with the JET JWS-25X shaper (left).
Each spindle comes with a full set of spacers. Changing spindles and cutters is
made easier because of this external spindle lock (right) on the right side of the
The spindles fit into a tapered seat receptacle and secured with a large locking nut. A
heavy-duty draw bar pulls the spindle down into its tapered seat to be sure it is properly
seated and centered.
The JET JWS-25X Shaper has a heavy-duty cast iron motor
mount assembly enclosed within the all-steel base cabinet
that also controls the up and down movement of the spindle.
A large chrome plated cast iron handwheel on the front of the
cabinet makes adjusting the height of the spindle/cutter
effortless. A handy scale on the front of the cabinet shows the
height change being made within the full 3” range of
movement. Once set, the height is locked using the front-
mounted handle located next to the handwheel.
The JET JWS-25X Shaper has two spindle speeds, 7500 and
10,000 RPM that allows choosing the best speed and torque
for the cutter or material being used. Changing speeds is done
by moving the V belt between the two available pulley
positions. A belt tensioning handle on the motor mount is
easy to use and reach. A large access door on the side of the base cabinet makes that an
easy task. A window in the front of the cabinet allows you to see which pulley position
the belt is currently in. We even added a simple spindle lock handle on the exterior of the
base cabinet.
The handwheel and
scale allow making
precise cutter height
changes quickly.