5. Pull out piston rod assembly (#414). If
plunger piston (#401) is to be pulled out,
remove handle assembly to access.
6. Remove all O-Rings & Seals.
7. Insert new O-Ring or Seal one at a time
making sure to replace with the same size
that was removed. (Order appropriate JET
seal kit.)
8. Re-assemble.
9. Refill oil to bottom of fill hole with hydraulic
jack oil. Install oil fill plug.
Valve cartridge
1. Remove drain plug (see Figure 7-1), and
empty the oil into a suitable container. Pump
handle until all oil has drained.
2. Tap out roll pin (#422).
3. Remove relief cam (#421).
4. Unscrew and remove valve assembly
5. Install new valve assembly (see sect. 10.0
for part number) and tighten.
6. Install relief cam with roll pin.
7. Refill oil to bottom of fill hole with hydraulic
jack oil. Install oil fill plug.