| Operation Manual C 2214 | Switching off
8 Switching off
For short operation interruptions the cylinder valves are closed and the pipes are evacuated until the ball in the
flow meter indicates that there is no more flow. Then the motive water is switched off and the shut-off valves in
front and behind the ejector are closed. For longer operation interruptions (e.g. in open-air pools during winter
time) the following steps should be taken in order to protect the units.
• Rinse all pipes (pressure and vacuum lines) and all units approx. 5 minutes with dry air or nitrogen.
• Close the chlorine cylinder tight. The protection cap for the connection thread must be slipped on.
• Dismount at least the vacuum regulators from unheated or humid rooms and keep them dry.
• If possible dismantle all units and service them. Apply fitting grease to all threads that are not in contact
with chlorine gas and lightly apply Teflon
to all other threads and elastomers. As an alternative, use
silicone grease.
• Close all units and piping connections tight in order to prevent air humidity from penetrating and damag
ing the units.
• Exhaust all water leading lines in case of danger of frost.
• Turn all valves in middle position so that they can be released in both directions when they are re- started.
If these points are observed during operation interruptions the units will restart without any problems even
after longer periods out of operation.