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Thank you for purchasing the Jensen DB-2RM-WP stereo direct box. This 
innovative direct box is designed to fi t a standard single-gang electrical wall 
plate and provides the A/V integrator with an elegant means of connecting 
a stereo audio source such as a laptop computer, CD player or tablet to a 
professional audio system. Although the DB-2RM-WP is designed to be 
plug & play easy to use, please take a minute to read this short manual. It 
will give you insight on how to best use the DB-2RM-WP direct box and get 
the most out of it.


The DB-2RM-WP fi ts a standard single gang electrical wall plate and should 
be installed in accordance with the electrical codes in your region. 

It is the 

responsibility of the installing contractor to comply with electrical codes 
and regulations with regards to installing and terminating. The DB-2RM-
WP is classifi ed as a low voltage device and should never be installed in 
the same electrical junction box alongside high-voltage class-1 electrical 
power devices

. Please consult your local electrical authority before installing. 

The DB-2RM-WP is completely passive and no power source is required. 
Signal connections are made using standard twisted pair audio cable. This 
usually comes in a shielded format with two insulated conductors 18AWG to 
26AWG and a ground conductor often called the drain wire. The cable itself 
should comply with all electrical codes as regulated in your area. 

Shielded twisted pair audio cable with drain wire.





Run two twisted pair cables from the PA mixer/amplifi er to the location where 
the DB-2RM-WP is to be installed. Mark one of the cables with tape or magic 
marker. This will help to indicate one cable as the left channel. Pull about 20cm 
(8”) of cable through the electrical junction box to allow easy manipulation 
while installing. Strip back the cable insulation by 1cm (½”) and tin the bare 
wire ends with solder to prevent corrosion.

Next, remove the protective metal cover from the DB-2RM-WP using a 
Phillips screwdriver and locate the audio output terminals on either side 
labelled ‘LEFT’ and ‘RIGHT’. The output terminals are balanced and have 
three screw-down connections, one labelled negative (-); another labelled 
ground (G); and a third labelled positive (+). 

Left output

Right output


Starting with the left channel terminal, push the BLACK wire into the negative 
connection and screw down tight using a small slotted screwdriver. Insert the 
other color wire (sometimes white or red) into the positive connection and screw 
it down tight. The drain wire or shield is inserted into the ground connection and 
tightened. Repeat for the right channel.

inserted into
hold down slots

The included tie-wraps are used with hold-down slots cut into the frame to secure 
the twisted pair cable and provide strain relief. Once secure, replace the cover 
and fi t into the electrical junction box. 

You will need to terminate the cables at the mixer/amplifi er using the same 
polarity. The following diagrams show balanced terminations for standard XLR 
and ¼” TRS phone connectors.


RING (-)

TIP (+)







    G   +

XLR and ¼” TRS Balanced terminations

The output is mic level and therefore should be connected to a microphone preamp 
input. At the mixer/amplifi er, connect the left and right cables from the DB-2RM-WP to 
two mic inputs on the PA mixer/amplifi er system. If there is only one mic input available 
or if the PA system operates in mono, you can connect the left channel and set the 
DB-2RM-WP to mono mode by depressing the MONO switch on the front panel.


Before connecting a device to the DB-
2RM-WP, turn the audio level control fully 
counter-clockwise to the off position. This 
will help avoid loud transients that can 
damage more sensitive components like 
tweeters and startle your audience. 

The DB-2RM-WP features stereo RCA and 3.5mm TRS input jacks to connect 
an unbalanced audio source. The RCA jack allows consumer electronics like 
CD/DVD players to connect to the PA system while the 3.5mm jack works 
well with mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. 

After connecting your device, start playback and slowly turn up the level 
control on the DB-2RM-WP to a comfortable listening volume. Be aware 
your device may also have its own volume control that you may need to 
adjust. It is very diffi cult to overload the DB-2RM-WP, however it is possible 
to overload the input on the mixer/amplifi er. If you hear distortion, turn the 
level control down or adjust the volume on your device.


Sometimes when connecting your device to the PA system via the DB-2RM-
WP direct box, you may encounter noise like hum and buzz caused by ground 
loops. If you encounter noise after connecting, depress the ground LIFT switch 
on the front panel. This disconnects the signal ground between the source 
device and the PA system eliminating ground loop noise. The LIFT switch is 
recessed to prevent tampering. Use a small screwdriver to access the switch. 


The MONO switch on the front panel sums the left and right inputs together. 
When this switch is fully depressed, the DB-2RM-WP will output the same 
mono signal at both screw terminal outputs. This can be used to connect a 
stereo device like a CD/DVD player to a mono only sound system or when 
only one input at the mixer is available. The MONO switch is recessed to 
prevent tampering. Use a small screwdriver to access the switch.

Jensen ISO•MAX


Jensen ISO•MAX


Jensen ISO•MAX


DB-2RM-WP Wall Direct Box  

DB-2RM-WP Wall Direct Box  

DB-2RM-WP Wall Direct Box  
