the way you say the voice tag, but also record a familiar background
Since phones are in continual contact with the Car Kit, it is possible
to use the included Car Kit’s microphone to record the voice tag.
Locate the feature on your mobile phone, and when prompted for
the voice tag, speak clearly from a comfortable in the driver’s seat.
This system accesses the voice recognition system in your phone. It
can only work as well as the phone works with this feature, also of
course your phone must support this feature.
Updating the Bluetooth Software
The BT250 has the ability to be upgraded to give you many years of
use and to be compatible with newer versions of phones. There is a
complete manual that explains the upgrade process available at
. We do not recommend entering this mode
without first downloading the upgrade information and reading it
completely. It is possible to render your car kit in-operable if you do
not complete this process correctly. This would not be covered
under warranty as it would not be considered a defect.