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FAQ - Spørsmål og svar

FAQ - Spørsmål og svar

2) How to check status ?
HL3200 have three LED indicators:
1. Power. 
2. Connection Quallity indicator.
    - Shows the connection quallity between your HL3200 devices using a colour code.
3. Network. Show network connection status.

On successful connection, all LEDs will look like the below picture.

If the Connection LED(2) is not ON, the HL3200 is not correcly paired, or your 
devices are not able to establish a connection.

To check if the two HL3200 are functional, we suggest you try connecting both 
HL3200 in a double wall socket (next to each other) and then check if the 
Connection LED(2) is ON.
A) IF the Connection LED is now ON, the initial placement you tried is not sutable.
    Please try another location and check the Connection LED.

B) If the Connection LED is OFF, it means the two HL3200 are not
correctly paired. Please see next page on how to reset and pair the HL3200.
