Wiring Diagram
Special Note About Cold Conditions
Controller is not designed to be started in temperatures under 32ºF, it will not hurt the kiln
to be stored around this temperature.
If your kiln is set up in an unheated area and the room temperature has dropped to
below 32ºF the kiln will not start until the kiln and the thermocoupler probe inside the kiln
has been brought to well above freezing. The probe inside the kiln needs to be warmer
than the outside temperature. You may see an alarm code
reversed) when you attempt to run a new firing. You can put a match or lighter only on
the thermocoupler in the kiln to warm it up a few degrees. .
The controller can be set to read in ºF or
ºC. There is a small black shunt on the
back of the controller. If the shunt is on
the pins it will read in ºF and if the shunt
is off it reads in ºC. The factory setting
for the US is ºF and outside the US is
usually sent to ºC