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Trail Rated traction
helps you maintain controlled
forward motion on snowy back
roads and icy bridges. You can
climb steep sand dunes and master
muddy two-tracks. Others may
fear untamed terrain, but your
Trail Rated Patriot has the traction
within to master all kinds of
topography and driving conditions.
The badge of honor bestowed only after
mastering a series of grueling tests on the
toughest of terrain in five distinct categories.
j e e p
p A T R I O T
O f f e R s u n s u R p A s s e d
O f f - R O A d c A p A b I L I T y.
Every Patriot
is born with the athletic ability
to navigate narrow gaps, dodge
emergency situations, and avoid
cosmetic damage to underbody
sills, thanks to precision steering
and optimized wheelbases.
gROund cLeARAnce.
Head out
knowing your Trail Rated
has optimized approach, departure,
and breakover angles designed to
clear logs, rocks, and uneven ground.
The undercarriage is protected
too, with forged skid plates that
cover the vehicle’s most valuable
underbody elements.
LATITude shOwn In mAxImum sTeeL meTALLIc
* A n o t e a b o u t t h i s b r o c h u r e : A l l d i s c l a i m e r s a n d
d i s c l o s u r e s c a n b e f o u n d o n t h e i n s i d e b a c k c o v e r .
Patriot’s suspension
system enhances on- and off-road
performance by maximizing
flexibility, axle articulation, and
wheel travel. This standard indicates
that, when one or more wheels are
elevated, the Jeep
4x4 system helps
the others stay on the ground longer
to keep you moving forward.
wATeR fORdIng.
Traverse streams
with confidence, knowing there are
additional electrical and body seals,
plus a high air-intake location.
Patriot has the capability to safely
manage in up to 19 inches of water.
Always inspect all waterways before
proceeding, just to make sure
there are no unforeseen pitfalls.
fORTITude Of jeep pATRIOT gIve s yOu The AbILIT y
TO cOuR AgeOusLy TAke On The ROAd, TR AIL, OR sTRe A m wITh cOnfIdence. TO
fIeRceLy fAce mOTheR nATuRe’s wR ATh wITh sTeeLy neRve. TO dRIve ThROugh
IT And dRIve OveR IT w ITh ceRTITude. TO k nOw yOu’Re OpeR ATIng w ITh The
RecOgnIzed sTAndARd fOR Off- ROAd c ApAbILIT y.
Содержание Patriot
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