© Jeds Peds
It should look just like this
The next thing to do is to plug it in. Hopefully its obvious that it needs some power and a decent
power supply is what is called for, the cheap £6.99 ones are not good.
Guitar (or whatever you play) goes to the input jack and then the output jack goes to your amp. Set
the controls to half way up and…. Play.
Hopefully its alive and kicking. If it’s not working, then you need to find out why. Do not continue
beyond this point until you get it working. Adding a footswitch will not magically make a circuit work.
Troubleshooting is a necessary evil at times.
The best advice now is to have a quick break. Fresh eyes spot faults an excited mind missed! Once
you have had a break take some good quality photos and upload them to the
If your PCB is working you are ready to connect the board to the footswitch! Follow the next stages
meticulously and all being well by the end of it you will have a lovely finished pedal!