IP Camera User Guide
Page 5
1.2 Network connection
1.3 WPS setting
WPS Routers time range.
WPS time range (IP camera).
Reset camera time range.
1. Press the Router WPS button at 0 second, the Router will set a time range (the red area), press the
IPCAM WPS button during the time range then the WPS is workable;
2. Press the IPCAM WPS during the red time range, such as start at t1 and end at t1+2(the blue area);
3. If press the IPCAM WPS more than 10 seconds, the camera will be reset, such as press at t1 more than
t1+10, it is reset function not WPS function.
2. iPad, iPhone App introduction
2.1 App download:
Search for key word “coolcamhbp”, and then choose “
” to download.
Press WPS button on router
Within specified time press WPS button on IP camera