Aiming at targets manually:
There are five ways that you can manually aim the
J-Mate towards your targets:
1. Each click of the Left/Right/Up/Down buttons ,
, , moves the J-Mate according to the val-
ue that you assign to them via the setup button ,
Motor in Horizontal and Vertical Motor Step (
). Two horizontal buttons allow you to assign but-
tons with different step and speed.
2. While holding these buttons , , J-Mate
rotates with the speed that you assign to them in the
J-Mate Motor Settings screen.
3. You can point J-Mate towards targets by touching
points on the screen and by gestures (moving finger
on the screen).
4. You can rotate the J-Mate manually while it is not
held by motors as shown by the Green Hand icon .
If this is icon is red, click it to release the motor.
Limit rotation by hand to small amounts, not to apply
back-pressure to motor. Motor manufacturer does
not prohibit manual motion, but we think it is better to
avoid it as much as possible.
5. The viewing angle of the TRIUMPH-LS camera
is 60-degree wide, while that of the J-Mate is about
5 degrees. The viewing area of the J-Mate camera
is represented on the TRIUMPH-LS by a small red
rectangle (
Figure 11
). While TRIUMPH-LS is sitting
on top of the J-Mate, you can view your target on the
TRIUMPH-LS camera , bring it to the rectangle
by touching the target or using the navigation buttons,
and then switch to the J-Mate camera.
To calibrate the camera of J-Mate with the camera of
the Triumph-LS, while TRIUMPH-LS sitting on top of
the J-Mate do the followings:
1. Click and clear existing Horizontal and Vertical
Frame Offsets (if non-zero).
2. Aim J-Mate laser to the target.
3. While in J-Mate camera, click to set the first
position of the offset angle.
4. Click to switch to the TRIUMPH-LS camera
and note the small rectangle that represents the
J-Mate camera viewing area.
5. Aim the J-Mate to bring that target to the center of
the rectangle.
6. Click to finish measuring the offset angles be
tween the laser center and the rectangle.
7. Save them to a location on the scratch pads.
8. Click to recall the measured offsets from the
scratch pad that you saved in.
Figure 11
J-Mate viewing area
You can aim at targets manually or automatically.
Collect by J-Mate Direct
Figure 9
Figure 10
Touch area
Figure 9
Figure 12