Video-PX430 / PX520 / PX658 /
PX678 series
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 1 J a t o n C o r p o r a t i o n , U S A
Multiple images or unreadable screen after loading video driver.
Explain and Suggestion:
There are a variety of reasons why the display might be distorted. One common reason
is a monitor mis-match. Some older multi-frequency monitors are unable to switch video
modes without being turned off, then turned on again.
If the problem occurring in windows, make sure that you have loaded that proper video
driver, and that the driver is compatible with the monitor being used. Try re-configuring
your application software to use a compatible video mode. If problem persist in
windows, load the standard generic VGA driver. The generic VGA driver should function
properly with virtually every video board and VGA (or SVGA) monitor available.
If that is an unsatisfactory solution, you may have to upgrade to a monitor that supports
the desired video mode.
Some new monitors are also synchronizing this problem because built-in DDC (Data-
Digital-Channel) feature. Sometime that DDC automatically setup the display frequency
without loading video driver. Try to turn it off, or change settings of monitor type in your
Selection of color, resolution and refresh rate combination that always backs to
default after restart the system.
Explain and Suggestion:
Accordingly, there must be a bug (defected source-code) in video driver, or in the
system. Debug the source-code or fix the error in video driver that should be done by
the driver developer. Likewise, upgrade the video driver from the manufacturer or from
the original software developer is necessary.