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Instructions: How to troubleshoot the PB-80C24 unit
1. Plug the unit into an outlet. The power icon
will turn blue when it’s receiving power.
2. Ensure all wire connections are secure.
Charging cables need to be plugged into the
devices and the power strips, and all power strips
connected to the Intelligent Charging System.
3. Let the unit charge in manage mode for 2 hours.
To put the unit in manage mode, make
sure the unit isn’t in the middle of a
charging cycle. Unplug the power from
the unit, wait 10 seconds, plug it back
in and press the manage button once.
4. If these steps don’t fix the issue, proceed to Level 2.
5. Check the unit’s firmware version.
Unplug the unit and plug it back into an outlet.
The firmware version will flash for a split second
on the LCD screen. Make sure someone is
looking at the screen directly and the version will
display as “A.06”, “A1.2”, “A1.5”, etc.
For firmware A1.5
, please proceed to step 7.
For firmware A1.0 to A1.4
– The firmware needs
to be updated.
Instructions on how to update the
firmware to A1.5 are located on the next page
For firmware A0.6 or A0.9
– recalibrate the unit.
Below is a video
on how to recalibrate the unit.
Unless you move the carts to another outlet you
should not have to recalibrate more than once.
7. If you are still experiencing issues, please email
the serial number of the power unit along with
the symptoms to:
and press 2 for service.
Troubleshooting Level 1
Troubleshooting Level 2
If the unit operates in any manner
aside from what is described, please call your
JAR Systems representative right away.
Charge Button
Power Icon
Manage Button
AUX Button
LCD Display
Circuit Breaker
USB Port
LEDs 1,2,3,4
Auxiliary Outlet
Power Connector
Charging Outlets
Power Icon