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= Peak value
= Minimum value
= Supply
Receipt control
In order to ensure a perfect and safe use of the device, a proper transport, expert storage, erection and mounting
and careful usage and maintenance are required. When it may be supposed, that a safe operation is no longer
possible, the device has to be put out of service and be protected against unintentional putting into service.
A safe operation can no longer be assumed, when the device
• shows visible damage,
does not energy in spite of intact net supply,
has been exposed to disadvantageous conditions for a longer time (e.g. storage out of the allowed climate
without adaption to the room climate, dew etc.) or transport use (e.g. falling from great height, even without
visible damage).
Please test the contents of delivery for completion, before starting the installation of the device. All delivered
options are listed on the delivery papers. The operating instructions also describe those options, which are not
delivered, and, therefore, do not belong to the contents of delivery.
The following items always belong to the contents of delivery:
The UMG96,
A packing (item code 52.07.103) with 2 mounting clamps and
The operating instructions.
A seal is available as an option with item code 2901907.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be
reproduced or duplicated without the written
permission of the author. Any contraventions are
punishable and will be prosecuted with all legal
No liability can be taken for the faultless condition
of the manual or damage caused by the use of it. As
failures cannot be avoided completely, we shall be
very grateful for any advice. We will try to remove
any failures as soon as possible. The mentioned
software and hardware descriptions are registered
trademarks in the most cases and are subjected to the
regulations by law. All registered trademarks are
property of the corresponding companies and are
fully recognized by us.