Pairing and Operation of the BT-03+/BT-04 Headsets in
Helmet-to- Helmet Intercom Mode. (up to 3 total)
1. Press and hold intercom/search mode button (C) and multifunction
but- ton (F) together until all headsets in the group turn on.
2. Put headset #1 into intercom linking mode by depressing & holding
the multifunction button (F) for approximately 4 seconds until the LED
rap- idly alternates between red/blue flashing.
3. Now put headset #2 into pairing mode by pressing and holding the
intercom button (C) for approximately 5 seconds until the multifunction
button LED slowly alternates between red/blue flashing.
4. Headsets are paired together when both red/blue flashing turns to a
slow pulsing blue on each headset.
5. Now momentarily press the intercom/search mode button (C) once on
headset #1 to deactivate intercom mode.
6. Then repeat the process to link headset #2 and #3, and then #3 back
to #1.
7. Once this is complete, now all headsets in the group can activate and
deactivate intercom conversations with others in the group by pressing
their own individual intercom buttons.
Pairing and Operation with a Bluetooth Enabled GPS
Command Center.
1. Put the BT-03+/BT-04 control head into pairing mode by pressing and
holding down on the multifunction button (F) for approximately 4 sec-
onds until you see a rapid red/blue alternating flash.
2. From the menu on the GPS command center, go into the Bluetooth sec-
tion and search for “headset”. When JMCORP_BT04 is displayed on
your screen and you are asked for a passkey, enter: 0000. Your device
should now pair with the headset.
3. If you wish to use headset
cell-phone functions simul-
taneously with your GPS
command center, you will
need to link the cell phone
direct to the GPS unit as
per the linking/operation
instructions included with
your particular unit.
4. If any one of the headsets receives an incoming navigation command
from the GPS/or cell-phone call, the helmet-to-helmet intercom opera-
tion will be interrupted. Once the navigation command or cell- phone
call has been terminated from the GPS, the intercom, (if active) will
5. Use the volume-up (B) or volume-down (A) buttons on the headset to
adjust the music volume, navigation command volume and/ or cell/
smart phone volume levels.
Up to 3 Other J&M Bluetooth Headsets
6. Additional music, navigation command and cell phone volume adjust-
ments can usually be made inside the GPS command center itself, but
the flexibility of these adjustments depends totally upon the particular
brand/model of the GPS unit you are using.
AUX Input Cable Operation.
1. Connect the 2.5mm plug on the end of the aux input cable and the
other end to your music device and play. If music is not heard, hold
down on the volume-up (b) & volume-down (a) buttons together for
approximately 3 seconds until the music is heard.
2. All music volume adjustments to be made from the aux device are to be
made on the music device itself.
Thank you for the confidence you have shown in J&M
Corporation by purchasing one of our innovative products.
If you have any question or comments about this product,
you may contact us at USA 1-520-624-7000 Monday thru
Friday, 8:00AM thru 5:00PM Mountain Standard Time.
1415 S. Cherry Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85713 U.S.A.
Tel (800) 358-0881
Website: http://www.jmcorp.com
E-mail: [email protected]