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Digital I/O
When supplying power via the DC IN/TRIG connector, please note the maximum
current rating for the power and ground pins is 1.6A per pin pair. If you are using a
power supply whose voltage would create a current flow above this limit in order to
meet the camera’s maximum power consumption (21.2W), then power must be
connected via both pin pairs.
For PoCXP operation, the following conditions apply.
CXP-1 is the only channel that can be used for PoCXP power supply.
The maximum frame rate of the camera may be limited depending on the power
capabilities of the PoCXP frame grabber board.
When using a PoCXP frame grabber capable of supplying more than 19W of
power through a single lane, the SP-25000M/C-CXP4 should be able to run at its
maximum frame rate (150 fps) for full resolution output at room temperature.
Example: Matrox (Rapixo) – Estimated maximum power supply per lane
24W (1.0A @ 24V).
Example: Euresys (CoaxlinkQuad CXP12) – Estimated maximum power
supply per lane 19.2W (0.8A @ 24V).
When using a PoCXP frame grabber supplying less than 19.2W through a single
lane, the SP-25000M/C-CXP4 will run at a reduced maximum frame rate set by
the frame grabber board or the camera or may not run at all. This will vary
based on the board and the environment.
Important notice
In the future, the specifications of the example I/F boards may change. The two
example boards are the only boards that have been tested. The listed current
values are design values provided by the manufacturers and are not guaranteed,
nor is there any guarantee that any other boards will work.
Power consumption depends on the operating temperature of the camera. It is
assumed that the user will control the temperature appropriately.
Be sure to monitor the current flow on the frame grabber side, making sure to
keep the level below the maximum current supported by the board.
The usage described may exceed the product specifications of the example
CoaXPress I/F boards. Please consult with the board supplier regarding warranty