Item no. 10504071, Revision 01
34 ( 36 )
In the case of legitimate complaints that relate to the goods and are recog-
nized by the supplier, repair or redelivery must be performed according to the
reasonably exercised discretion of the supplier for all parts that are rendered
unusable or that are significantly impaired in terms of their usability prior to
2000 operating hours having elapsed – in the case of Jäger spindles, which
feature an integrated meter – according to the meter reading of the dedicated
meter for the spindle in question, or within 12 months of delivery, i.e. follow-
ing the delivery of the delivery item, and as a result of an issue that was
present prior to the transfer of risk, especially due to defective design, poor-
quality building materials, or faulty equipment.
Complaints regarding visible defects must be reported to the supplier within
10 days after receipt of the product.
No liability is accepted for damage caused by the following: Unsuitable or
non-designated use, incorrect installation or commissioning by the customer
or third parties, natural wear and tear of wearing parts, particularly ball bear-
ings, incorrect or negligent handling, inappropriate operating media, chemi-
cal electro-chemical or electrical influences, where these cannot be attributed
to a fault on the part of the supplier. Otherwise, our general terms and condi-
tions of business apply, in particular section VII “Liability for defects and war-
ranty”. Unless agreed separately, the customer is liable for all other costs, par-
ticularly all shipping costs.
We reserve the right to make changes to the design without prior notification
or special indication.
We reserve the right to carry out renovations to spindles during repairs to re-
flect the latest technological advances.
Likewise, the supplier bears no liability if the customer or a third party makes
improper modifications or carries out unauthorised repair work on the prod-
uct without the prior approval of the supplier.