JAE PMK Div. Proprietary. Copyright © 2018, Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.
JN1 H S 10 P L * S
Connection Method
P: Crimp pin (10 pin, sold separately)
M: Pin with solder (4 pin)
Cable Connecting Receptacle
Modification No. (Note 1)
Contact Size
K: #20 (4 pin)
L: #22 (10 pin)
Number of Contacts
04: 4 pins
10:10 pins
Connector Type
H: For cable connection
(without flange)
K: For wall mounting
relay type (with flange)
Shell Size
S: Connection outer dia.
(10 dia. to 15 dia.)
Assembly Nut Shape
S: Slim
Note 1: Please refer to product drawings for Modification Number.