ThingMagic M6e User Guide
Refer Mercury API v1.29.4 release notes for API commands to work with this functionality.
Ability to “Read Data” Immediately After Sending a “Write EPC” or “Write Data” Command
Some sensor tags require the module to write to a memory bank to trigger the sensor measurement, then
read the sensor data field without dropping power between if the two operations are done as separate
commands. This functionality supports streamlining read-then-write operations for other applications as
Read Data support has been added as an option for the Write EPC and Write Bank Data commands. This
allows the module to read the data from any of the memory banks following a successful write operation of
data to any memory bank (or write EPC) through a single command. The standard commands to Write Tag
Data and Write Tag EPC optionally includes the read memory bank, read word address, and read count to
implement this feature.
For more details on the application interface, refer to WriteTag code sample in the MercuryAPI SDK.
Decoupling Antenna Selection from AsyncOnTime
Previously when reading continuously, the reader returned to antenna one (or the first antenna in the
configured list) at the beginning of each AsynchOnTime cycle. This encouraged users to configure a high
value for AsyncOnTime to ensure all antennas would be activated each read cycle. Now some of the
settings can be changed without interrupting reading and take effect only at the beginning of the next
AsyncOnTime cycle, allowing users to set this value as low as possible.