Maintenance Mode is used by the maintenance to set
and adjust all functional values for the Eclipse Mower.
LCD displays available in Maintenance Mode are, factory
reset, system voltage, travel speed, reel speed, total
hours on machine, traction motor current draw, reel
motor current draw, total motor current draw, set mow
speed, set power source, maintenance hours, set reel
speed, set display units, calibrate speed paddle, and
calibrate bail lever.
To enter Maintenance Mode, press both orange buttons
(K and L) when Jacobsen Version X.XX is on the display.
Use the orange buttons (K or L) to select and the black
button (J) to enter the digits for the Mechanic Mode pin.
NOTE: The PIN for Maintenance Mode is 6789.
NOTE: The Maintenance Mode PIN can be customized
to a setting of your choice. Please contact your Jacobsen
Dealer or Jacobsen Technical Support (1800-848-1636
Option 2) for complete instructions.
For backlap screens, see Section 10.4
Factory Reset: To reset controller to factory default
values, press either of the orange buttons (K or L) on the
front cover until the Factory Reset screen is on the LCD
display. Press the black button (J) to reset values back to
factory default settings
Maximum Mow Speed 3.4 Mph (5.5 kph)
Reel Speed ................ 2200 rpm
Fixed FOC Setting ..... 0.146
Display units............... English
Fixed FOC Setting: To set the fixed FOC, press either of
the orange buttons (K or L) on the front cover until the
FOC x.xxx CHANGE? screen is on the LCD display.
Press the black button (J) to enter set mode. Use the
orange buttons to raise (K) or lower (L) the FOC value to
the desired setting. press the black button to set speed.
Fixed FOC setting must be 0 or between 0.087 and 0.178
in. (2.2 and 4.5 mm). [See Section 3.4].
Maximum Mow Speed: To set the maximum mow
speed, press either of the orange buttons (K or L) on the
front cover until the set max mow speed screen is on the
LCD display. Press the black button (J) to enter set
mode. Use the orange buttons to raise (K) or lower (L)
the maximum mow speed to the desired speed. press the
black button to set speed.
Maximum mow speed must be between 2.0 and 3.4
MPH (3.2 and 5.5 kph).
Fixed Reel Speed: To set the fixed reel speed, the FOC
setting must be set to 0, then press either of the orange
buttons (K or L) on the front cover until the set reel speed
screen is on the LCD display. Press the black button (J)
to enter set mode. Use the orange buttons to raise (K) or
lower (L) the reel speed to the desired setting.
Fixed reel speed must be set between 1800 and
2200 rpm.
The Maximum Mow Speed and the Fixed Reel Speed are
used to determine the FOC (Frequency of Cut) [See
Section 3.4].
Power Source: To set power source, press either of the
orange buttons (K or L) on the front cover until the Power
Source screen is on the LCD display. Press the black
button (J) to change power source.
Select either Genset Power or Battery Power.
Maintenance Hours: To reset maintenance hours, press
either of the orange buttons (K or L) on the front cover
until the maintenance hours screen is on the LCD
display. Press the black button (J) to reset maintenance
hours to zero. The system can track a maximum of 999.9
Motor Type Select: Select the part number for the reel
and traction motors used on your equipment. The two
motors have different control voltage to output RPM
characteristics. The eclipse mower uses motor part no.
4160533 or 4205222. Do not select 4153940.
Figure 3E
Display Units: To set the display units, press either of
the orange buttons (K or L) on the front cover until the
units screen is on the LCD display. Press the black button
(J) to enter set mode. Use the orange buttons to select
the desired setting.
Units must be set to English or metric.
Calibrate Speed Paddle: Before calibrating the speed
paddle, check that paddle stops are properly adjusted
[See Section 5.3].To calibrate the paddle, press either of
the orange buttons (K or L) on the front cover until the
thumb lever screen is on the LCD display. Press the
black button (J) to enter set mode. Move the throttle
paddle through its entire range of movement to determine
minimum and maximum values.
Values displayed will change as controls are moved.
Calibrate Bail Lever: To calibrate the bail lever, press
either of the orange buttons (K or L) on the front cover
until the bail lever screen is on the LCD display. Press the
black button (J) to enter set mode. Fully engage and
disengage the bail lever to determine minimum and
maximum values.
Values displayed will change as controls are moved.
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number